Hangi Duyu? Duyu Eğitimine Yönelik Kısa Bir Kılavuz (In What Sense? A Short Guide to Sensory Education)


Authors: Carla Barzanò ve Michele Fossi

Cappadocia University Press: 58
Gastronomy Series: 2
ISBN: 978-605-4448-44-9
DOI: 10.35250/kun/9786054448449
URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12695/1940

Certificate No: 43348

Educational supervision: Luisa Marconi
Illustrations: Cinzia Ghigliano
Graphic design: Andrea Carminati
Translated from English to Turkish by Cappadocia University
Translation editor: Müge Artar
Mise-en-page: Nazile Arda Çakır

To make sense, common sense, to come to one’s senses… These are just some of the everyday phrases which highlight the importance of the senses for our orientation. This orientation has a determining influence on how we define our consumption choices and lifestyles.

Today we know that the perceptions which arrive from sensory stimuli have an inescapable influence on the development of emotions, consciousness and the nervous system. These perceptions are already present in the uterus, from the very earliest stages of our life. Day after day we receive an nonstop series of sensations from the environment and culture in which we are immersed, via our senses. These sensations define and shape connections within our brain and our memory.

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