Studies on Modern Turkish Literature in the 100th Year of the Republic: A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Hülya Eraydın Argunşah

Cultural Studies

Editors: Dilek Çetindaş, Duygu Oylubaş Katfar, Bülent Sayak

Cappadocia University Press: 90
Cultural Studies Series:: 5

ISBN: 978-605-4448-85-2 (elektronik)
ISBN: 978-605-4448-86-9 (basılı)

Certificate No: 43348

Series Editor: Sinan Akıllı & Duygu Oylubaş Katfar
Cover Design: Yunus Karaaslan
Page Design: Adem Şenel
Keywords: 1. Women and Literature, 2. National Literature, 3. Literary Criticism.

Studies on Modern Turkish Literature in the 100th Year of the Republic: A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Hülya Eraydın Argunşah aims to provide a fresh perspective on the field following Turkey’s centennial. This tribute honors Prof. Dr. Hülya Eraydın Argunşah for her pioneering and inspirational contributions to Turkish literature, her role in mentoring researchers, and her efforts in the institutional development of the Turkish Language and Literature departments at both Erciyes University and Cappadocia University. Organized into four sections, the book adopts an interdisciplinary approach to assess cultural structures through literary contributions. An examination of Eraydın Argunşah’s academic career reveals her significant impact on modern Turkish literature, particularly through her exploration of identity, nationalism, history, and gender. Her work offers valuable insights into the relationship between culture and literature, reflecting the methodologies and inquiries of cultural studies.

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