
"Technology and Human" Selected Stories

Environmental Humanities

Editor: Yusuf Gökkaplan

Cappadocia University Press: 44
Environmental Humanities Series: 4

ISBN: 978-605-4448-25-8

Certificate No: 43348

Series Editor: Sinan Akıllı
Cover Design: Nazile Arda Çakır
Page Design: Adem Şenel

Keywords: 1. Technology, 2. Human, 3. Story, 4. Youth Literature.

While contemporary understanding often distinguishes theory and practice as almost entirely separate domains, a deeper exploration of the history of philosophy reveals a far more intricate relationship between the theoretical concept of “knowledge” represented by epistêmê and the practical notion of “craft” represented by technê. Despite their initial appearance as contrasting ideas, these two concepts are, in reality, closely interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Technology gives birth to knowledge, and in turn, knowledge fuels the development of technology. What’s more, both concepts are fundamental facets of human virtue and, consequently, necessitate a strong moral foundation.

Within this context, 20 young authors who have embraced the guiding principles of “Reason, Ethics, Justice, Adaptation” upheld by Cappadocia University, present their perspectives in this book. This endeavor stems from the tradition of the “High School Students’ Short Story Contest” organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, which has become a fixture, drawing the attention of young writers from across Turkey. The selected theme for this year’s contest, “Technology and Humanity,” prompts contemplation on the kind of technology-human relationships required in the 21st century and beyond to rescue our sole abode, the blue planet, from its ongoing deterioration. These narratives explore how technology, harmonious with human virtues, can illuminate a path through the challenges of both present and future times.

Uniting their knowledge with artistic expression, these authors, who remain grounded in the “real world” despite their presence in the “virtual realm,” offer unique insights into the present and future. I sincerely hope that their works encourage you to embark on fresh interpretations of our world.

Series Editor
Sinan Akıllı

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