X. Workshop on Logic


Cappadocia University Press: 50
ISBN: 978-605-80953-2-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35250/kun/9786058095328
URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12695/1712

Sertifika No: 43348

Editors: İbrahim Halil Çetres, Halil Burak Sakal, Şafak Ural, Mehmet Arslan, Halise Avşar, Deniz Özen
Cover Design: Nazile Arda Çakır
Page Design: Adem Şenel
Redactor: Sümeyra Demiralp

X. Workshop on Logic was held in Cappadocia with the invaluable contributions of Cappadocia University. Due to the pandemic, the workshop organized by the Turkish Logic Society every year for nine years was suspended for one year. After this break, the Rector of Cappadocia University, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Karasar’s contribution has been great. As the Logic Society, we would like to thank to the esteemed rector, the board of trustees, Dr. Alev Alatlı the chairperson of the board of trustees, and all the employees who contributed.

Every great civilization has always given great importance to logic. Studies on logic reached its peak in the ancient period, Indian and Chinese civilizations, Medieval Islamic and Christian civilizations, and in the New Age. Today, logic has become a part of technology.

Logic is both in daily life as it organizes and shapes it and also contributes to the development of human thought as an abstract language. Thanks to these, logic has become a discipline to which cultures living in their most mature period intellectually attach importance. Logic is not only a product of such a culture, but also a basic element that creates culture.

The papers in this book provide invaluable information on the development and multifaceted function of logic from past to present. It is our greatest wish that readers of all professions can follow this process and evaluate it in their personal and professional life.

As the Logic Society, we would like to express our gratitude to the Rector of Cappadocia University, who did not spare any help from the organization of the X. Workshop on Logic to the publication of this book.

Prof. Dr. Şafak Ural
Faculty Member of İstinye University and President of Turkish Logic Society


İbrahim Halil Çetres, Asisst. Prof. Dr., Department of Philosophy, Mardin Artuklu University

Halil Burak Sakal, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Department of International Relations, Cappadocia University

Şafak Ural, Prof. Dr., Department of Philosophy, İstinye University

Mehmet Arslan, Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Basic Sciences, Samsun University

Halise Avşar, İstanbul University

Deniz Özen, Res. Assist., Department of Philosophy, İstinye University

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