2nd International Congress on Adolescence and Youth Research: Book of Abstracts on "Becoming an Adolescent and Youth in a Changing World"


Cappadocia University Press: 82
ISBN: 978-605-4448-72-2
DOI: 10.35250/kun/9786054448722
URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12695/2296

Certificate No: 43348

Cover Design: Nazile Arda Çakır

This conference featured a diverse and comprehensive program that delved into various topics related to adolescence, youth, and the transition to adulthood. The program was quite impressive, comprising a robust lineup of keynote speakers and an array of paper proposals. It included two workshops, three keynote presentations, three invited panel discussions, a poster session, a symposium, 20 oral presentation sessions, and a total of 81 oral presentations.

The participants came from a wide range of backgrounds, from undergraduate students to experienced professors, creating a varied and inclusive audience. Researchers from different organizations, regions, and even abroad gathered to engage in discussions on issues pertaining to adolescence and youth. Notably, two posters that received the Best Poster Award were presented with certificates of achievement.

The conference’s interdisciplinary nature attracted a diverse audience, which included academics and practitioners from educational institutions and mental health services. In the opening session, keynote speaker J.J. Arnett introduced the concept of “emerging adulthood,” a unique life stage encompassing the twenties, which he proposed as a groundbreaking and transformative subject for research. On the second day of the conference, September 7th, Professor Dr. Lene Arnett Jensen from Clark University in the United States delivered a talk on “Cultural Developmental Theory: Self and Social Sciences in the Global World,” sharing examples from various cultures. On the final day of the conference, September 8th, Professor Dr. Demet Lüküslü from Yeditepe University addressed one of our country’s pressing contemporary issues: “Youth not in employment and education.”

Thanks to the active participation of all stakeholders and attendees, the conference successfully evolved into a productive and vibrant scientific gathering.

With heartfelt appreciation…

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