Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies

Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies (CJAS) is a reviewed journal that started its publication life in 2019. Our journal includes regional research, field studies, and current and historical evaluations related to a particular region on social sciences and humanities. CJAS publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, book reviews and short opinion articles and targets academics from all over the world.

Intent and Scope

CJAS, is a platform that aims to bring together researchers working in the fields of area studies, regional studies, social sciences and humanities, the number and quality of which has rapidly increased in the world. Our journal is open to articles to contribute to area studies and regional expertise from all branches, especially in History, Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Linguistics, Geography, and Economics. Articles that follow an interdisciplinary method are supported most due to the nature of regional studies. With its boundaries designated by historical, cultural and natural elements, Cappadocia, is a unique region based on its importance in Turkish and world heritage. Our journal is also a platform for articles about the Cappadocia region, based on the historical, cultural, natural and humanistic characteristics of the Cappadocia region, where Cappadocia University is located. Regions like Turkey’s near and neighbouring geographies, such as Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Balkans, the Middle East, the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and North Africa are within the scope of the journal’s study. Finally, widely-defined regions, such as Europe, East and South Asia, Pacific, North and South America, Africa, Australia and basins, sub-regions, cities, small settlements, ecosystems, natural and historical areas within these regions are among the categories included in CJAS.

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